Steelers owner and chairman Dan Rooney was not only a monster in the game of football, but he’ll also go down a A patriarch and ambassador for his country.
Rooney served as the 33rd Ambassador to Ireland, selected for that role by President Barack Obama in 2009, and he kept the position until 2012.
Following the death of Rooney on Thursday, the former US President put out a statement about the passing, giving respect to the former Steelers owner.
“Dan Rooney was a great friend of mine, but more importantly, he was a great friend to the people of Pittsburgh, a model citizen, and someone who represented the United States with dignity and grace on the world stage. I knew he’d do a wonderful job when I named him as our United States Ambassador to Ireland, but naturally, he surpassed my high expectations, and I know the people of Ireland think fondly of him today.
“And I know the people of Pittsburgh, who loved him not only for the Super Bowl championships he brought as the owner of the Steelers, but for his generosity of spirit, mourn his passing today. Michelle and I offer our condolences to the Rooney family, some of the most gracious and thoughtful people we know — even as we celebrate the life of Dan Rooney: a championship-caliber good man.”

Dave B.
April 19, 2017 at 9:34 pm
As a kid growing up in the seventies Terry Bradshaw was my favorite Steeler player . I loved the guy . I had the jerseys , the posters , signed footballs , you name it , I had it . Nearly 40 years later , the 2017 version of Terry Bradshaw is a disgrace and Im ashamed to admit I ever idolized the guy the way I did . From being drafted number 1 overall in 1970 to winning 4 world championships with the Steelers during a 13 year career , Bradshaw acts as if the Steelers part of his life never existed . Three examples – 1989 Art Rooney passes away and Bradshaw is no where to be found . He later admitted he made a mistake and should have been there . 2016 Chuck Noll passes away . Once again , Bradshaw is nowhere to be found . Most all of the 1970’s Steelers were in attendance but not Terry . 2017 – Dan Rooney passes away . True to form , Bradshaw is nowhere to be found . His 70’s teammates came and paid their respects , but not Terry . For a player to be the face of the franchise for 13 long years and to be only one of three quarterbacks all time to win at least four super bowls and this is the way you pay back the organization that helped you land a spot in Canton at the Hall of Fame ? Its disgraceful and a classless act by Bradshaw . He should be ashamed but the sad fact is , he isnt or he wouldnt keep doing it .
April 21, 2017 at 5:45 pm
See, I could jump all over you for that remark because I unequivocally disagree. But the fact is I commend you for taking an anti Steelers stance on something.