“Right now, you could say we’re the worst team in the league. That hurts.” – Ben Roethlisberger
It’s hitting blogs and websites like the shot heard round the world today, as Ben Roethlisberger is proclaiming the Steelers as the worst team in football.
In short – he’s right.
The Steelers certainly are not playing up to the form or standards that fans are use to seeing on Sunday afternoons. The mistakes and the lack of talent is glaring, and as a leader, it’s a good thing that Ben is coming out and putting his teammates, and himself, on notice.
Sunday in London was another joke of an afternoon for the Steelers, as they strutted onto the field against another winless team in the Vikings, and proceeded to allow big plays, miss tackles, and force their $100 million dollar QB to – yet again – run for his life.
What ever happened to the old days when the Steelers O-line could open holes for running backs, keep their QB upright, and show some attitude.
The likes of ‘Dirt’ Dawson, Duval Love, Carlton Haselrig, Leon Searcy, Justin Strzelczyk, John Jackson and other REAL players on the line that could get the job done have been replaced by guys who are overpaid, injury prone, and more worried about their rap star buddies and murdering pals than getting the job done.
Am I bitter about this 0-4 start and no signs of this team getting better anytime soon?
Your darn right I am.
This team is part of a lot of peoples lives, and while I think losing can be accepted if it’s after you’ve done everything you can to avoid it, this team has turned into a laughingstock.
Hopefully with nearly two weeks to think about it before they hit the field again, the words of Roethlisberger will start to resinate and hit the soul of some of these players.
If not, the next three months will be much like this last one – and by the time it’s all said and done, maybe Roethlisberger’s words will in fact be some of the most truest he’s ever spoken.

September 30, 2013 at 11:44 am
Bring back Big Snack Casey Hampton, if nothing else for leadership, also Charlie as QB Coach won’t hurt either after all Ben could use an extra set of eyes on the side line, something that is lacking right now. Coach Haley will be great once the players start paying attention to details.
October 2, 2013 at 12:17 am
Lmmfao!! Have you seen Hampton lately?? Hes one Twinkie away from the Emergency ROOM And The only way Haley will ever be great is if he retires from coaching..and go do what he did in College..PLAY GOLF
September 30, 2013 at 11:45 am
Tell it like it is!
USC got it right over the weekend and fired the head coach. If all aspects of the team has problems, the head coach has to held responsible. Tomlin has to go!
September 30, 2013 at 5:01 pm
“Your darn right I am”….. UH…if you are a journalist, it’s “You’re” or did the Steelers “loose” again?
September 30, 2013 at 5:40 pm
Steelers are a fucking joke
September 30, 2013 at 7:44 pm
I had a shirt made last year that say,s Worthless (picture of a burger) Get it Worthless Burge That’s my answer to are problems! I a,so believe Tomlin is not all he’s cracked up to be???
September 30, 2013 at 10:13 pm
There’s so many issues with this team, I don’t even know where to begin… The 2005 super bowl team was so hard nosed football!!!! Would it really be difficult to get back to that kind of game???? REALLY GUYS REALLY??
Steve geddes
October 1, 2013 at 4:55 pm
Nobody hurts more then us true Steeler Nation though good& bad they will turn it around that’s why we were R B&G with pride I don’t want to hear from bang wagon jumpers no more 50 yrs a Steeler Fan.
October 2, 2013 at 12:06 am
Look who’s incharge of buyin the groceries..Colbert has collected a bunch of class C players basically since Cowher left and he was given FULL Control over player personnel..that along with keeping vets past their expiration date..continuously pushin back dead $..Not given Ben the weapons he needs and DESERVES..having the team in the red every off-season YADA YADA YADA..Anybody who knows football saw this type of season commin..it’s 2013 not 1973..what Good NFL teams don’t use free agency to get better? Trade draft picks for key positions? LOOK at the Broncos..Seahawks..49ers..Packers..Hell even Kansas City..yes they draft..but they also are able to go out and get Pro Bowl Caliper players via free agency or trading some high draft picks..If Colbert was the CEO of a Major company he’d woulda been fired..And the Rooney’s GIVEN Haley the OC job JUST CAUSE HIS DADDY WAS IN THE ORGANIZATION and he from Pittsburgh was F’n brainless..What had he ever done in the NFL?
October 2, 2013 at 7:50 pm
I agree whole heatedly with Colbert Haley and Rooneys but don’t forget to heap some blame on Tomlin!