The NFL continues to tweak rules when it comes to players doing their showboating, and this season the league has decided to put an end to ‘ball spinning.’
According to the new rule that has been put in place, players can get a 15-yard penalty for spinning the ball just like they do sack dances and the home run swing.
Don’t forget last season when Brett Keisel got a 15-yard penalty for doing the ‘bow and arrow’ in the late season loss to the Bengals.
The official rules states as follows when it comes to getting a unsportsmanlike conduct penalty: “These acts include but are not limited to: sack dances; home run swing; incredible hulk; spiking the ball; throwing or shoving the ball; pointing; pointing the ball; verbal taunting; military salute; standing over an opponent (prolonged and with provocation; or dancing.”
I can’t think of any Steelers who abuse the ‘ball spinning’ act – but sure would be good for the team to know it ahead of time.
Just wait, by next season there will be a penalty for the first down/dropping the ball signal that was first started by Santonio Holmes, and now is done quite a bit by Antonio Brown.

August 5, 2013 at 9:13 pm
I’m pretty sure Hines Ward was doing the first down/dropping the ball signal before Santonio Holmes