I remember the first time I got the iconic game – “Electric Football” as a birthday gift from my parents when I was about 8-9 years old.
I played the game for night and day, and remember some of the great aspects of it, and of course the fact that the game was, at times, just a frenzy of little plastic figures running all over the place.
Well, here it is quite a few years later, and it seems there is STILL people playing Electronic Football, and today I got an email about (of all things) “The Electric Football National Championships,” which will be held in Cleveland, OH on Pro Football’s Hall of Fame weekend.
I didn’t think people still played the game, but not only do that play it, but they play it for the right to be called a champion!
The email said that you can “Learn more about it, our association and the age old game of electric football played like you have never seen it before in our Miniature Football Coaches Association press release.”
Here’s a link to the press release for those that are interested: CLICK HERE
And here’s a pretty cool video from Electric Football – maybe overkill, but enjoy anyway

Ben Dover
July 17, 2013 at 9:04 pm
My brother and I received an Electronic Football Game for Christmas one year, it was one of those gifts our parents regretted after we broke off the metal rods used to control the quarterback/middle linebacker and started to sword fight with them.
That was likely their second greatest regret, bested only by the air guns we used to shoot all the glass bulbs off of the tree the previous year. Ah memories.