It was a firestorm on Sunday when pics started to appear on the internet with Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey was photographed with his brother, Dolphins OL Mike, wearing a hat that said “Free Hernandez,” showing support for jailed former Patriots TE Aaron Hernandez.
Fans have been commentating not only here directly on Steelers Gab, but also on our Steelers Gab Facebook page, as well as on our posted stories on Reddit.
Here’s a sample of the comments as fans seem to be on both sides of the road on the topic of Pouncey.
Darryl Taylor, Facebook – I don’t concern myself with a player’s personal life. That was their friend, so I can see why they feel different. Getting upset about this starts the slippery slope on worrying about a players political affiliation or their views on social issue. I’ll leave my views on how they preform on the field.
Matt Treat, Facebook – If I were the Steelers, I would address this quick. He needs to worry about staying healthy for a change and staying away from his former teammates at Thug-U. That is a bunch of crap.
ohjbird, Reddit – When a guy is supposedly involved in a handful of murders, I think I’d bide my time before getting a hat to show my support of him. Ya know, so I don’t look like an a$#hole later on.
Deckz, Reddit – It’s probably hard to believe someone you went to school with and played with is a murderer. Maybe he just thinks he’s innocent, but still don’t wear a stupid hat.
Shawn Rine, Facebook – Absolutely ridiculous. Maurkice has shown more than once he doesn’t ‘get it.’
Ed Soltis, Comment on SteelersGab – When rooneys get wind of this, I think he could be on the block…I read a comment that said they get paid millions to hold a job down for the steelers….while you are a steeler…shut you f—- mouth….you wanna wear that hat, join the pats…i lost repect for my center today….i hope they cut him loose
Steven S Spooner, Facebook – Its his friend and anyone else would do the same for a friend, its just that he’s in the court of public opinion.
Matthew Palmer, Facebook – I hate him. I’ve hated him since the crap he pulled after the Tebow game. I can’t stand him. I don’t care how good he is. He’s an immature, childish douchebag, and has been from day one. I wish we’d trade him.

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