The Steelers need Ben Roethlisberger if they are going to make any type of real run at the postseason, and the last two losses have started the rumors that he just may try to go Sunday at Baltimore.
Chris Mortensen of ESPN reports that the quarterback will begin soft-tossing the football early in the week to test his range of motion and work through the pain of his rare rib and shoulder injury, according to team sources.
Roethlisberger slept much better this week, a source said, even with newborn son “Little Ben” in the house. He has been able to hold his baby with his right arm, and doctors have determined his rib has healed enough that he doesn’t risk further damage.
The QB’s pain tolerance and range of motion could determine whether he plays next Sunday against Baltimore.
“I’m going to try,” Roethlisberger told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette when asked if he believed he could return for the game against the Ravens. “It’s killing me to watch.”
Your not the only one Ben.

November 27, 2012 at 12:02 am
Ben there’s next year, don’t do it. The offensive line dosen’t block for shit. I love ha man don’t want you getting hurt really bad. The Steelers Fans love ya. Stay home with the little one. I will be sick if them fucken Raverns start beating on you and they will. I never forget the nose tackle Nagato sticking his hand in youe face and grinding on you. There all assholes with no brains, you should be 100% to play against them wolves.
George H
November 27, 2012 at 6:52 am
The season isn’t lost yet. As of today the Steelers hold the second wildcard spot. As much as I want Ben to get healthy, the fact is that he gives the team the best chance to win. Ben playing hurt is nothing new. Ben is a competitor, if he is anywhere close to being able to play he will be out there.
Dave B.
November 27, 2012 at 7:23 am
I could care less how important this game is Sunday against the Ravens . If it means Ben re-injuring an area thats not completely healed , then its not worth it . If you think that for a second that Suggs and Nagta will not target Bens shoulder then youve never watched football . Ben doesnt need to touch a football until hes 100% completely healed . Bens the best player on the team and hes our franchise quarterback , you dont risk that , ever .
George H
November 27, 2012 at 10:25 am
I think it’s a risk worth taking… I just can’t watch Checkdown Charlie limit the offense anymore. I fully realize that Suggs and Ngata will target Ben, but what else is new. Injuries happen and if your best player says he can go then let him play.
November 27, 2012 at 12:54 pm
It is not worth chancing a more serious injury. We can lose to ravens and still make playoffs. I-line is banged up and Suggs will be licking his chops. We can take our more healthy chances in the playoffs if the extra week of rehab helps
The Tony
November 28, 2012 at 8:38 am
Didn’t Ben last season trot out on the field against the 49ers? That game had divisional leading implications. If Ben says he wants to play, them Ben will play. Don’t get me wrong, having Beachum starts scares the life out of me. The point is, that players will always play hurt, it is clearly a risk, but a risk worth taking. You play for today, not tomorrow.
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