It’s been drama city about Ben Roethlsiberger and new OC Todd Haley not having a cup of tea together, but finally the Post-Gazette reports that the two have had a face to face meeting.
Okay, let’s close the books on a short-running drama that seemed to be building inside the Steelers. Ben Roethlisberger and new offensive coordinator Todd Haley have met, sat down and talked, multiple sources on the Steelers told me today.
I’m not sure when the meeting occurred, whether today or not, it was merely described to me as “recently.”
By CBA rules, players and coaches cannot discuss strategy, playbooks, etc. until April 16 so we can assume Haley and Ben were merely chit-chatting, perhaps even laughing at all the speculation as to why they hadn’t met.
So it sounds like we can all sleep easy, as Ben and Todd have met, shook hands, and now we can all move on and start to worry about other things – like losing Pro Bowl WR Mike Wallace in free agency.

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