Here on Steelers Gab, we give our readers some of the better Steeler and NFL related stories out there from the past week.
Latrobe hopes Steelers return for training – Tribune-Review
Hold the Presses – David Beckham to join the Steelers! – Behind the Steel Curtain
NFL – Not For Long – Nice, Pick Cowher
Mike Tomlin on Super Bowl XLV Loss – Steel Curtain Rising

March 27, 2011 at 9:58 am
Craig, the author of “NFL – Not For Long” is right in saying the proposed rule changes will reduce contact on the gridiron to the equivalent of patty-cake on the school yard. I don’t like it any better than he does, and the inconsistency caused by last season’s mid-schedule changes in rules of contact and rules enforcement produced a travesty of the game that confused players and fans. But fans will accept almost anything these days, including perverse rule changes, for the joy of watching NFL football. In fact, the NFL hasn’t played real football in years. The Leatherheads and one-platoon heroes wouldn’t recognize today’s game as ‘football.’
A better approach to the problem of oversized players striking one another with concussive force is to limit the size of the players. Before steroids, no human being looked like modern pro athletes. If you reduce the size of the players and widen the field, you’ve gone a long way toward reducing the severity of the problem. No rules will eliminate all concussions; they happen even in pee-wee football and two-hand touch. When bodies of any size fly toward each other, some level of concussion is inevitable. But if you are going to alter the game go direct to the root of the problem (size) rather than mandating nuanced technique through rules more convoluted than an IRS clause and subject to a referee’s interpretation.