It was a play that probably most don’t remember, but a few days later, it’s in the minds of the Steelers as one that came across really, really cheap.
After the Ravens scored their only TD of the game, Ravens offensive guard Chris Chester went after James Harrison on an extra point, pushing him over and then some tempers flared before things calmed back down.
Chester pushed down Harrison, and that’s odd as Chester fired out on the play, a move that O-linemen are not taught to do on extra points or field goals.
“Of course, it was deliberate,” Harrison said Wednesday. “There’s no way that happens on an extra point because [offensive linemen] don’t shoot out. It’s obvious it was blatant. It was on purpose. It’s cheap, but, when it comes down to it, it’s only a 5-yard penalty, they move back to the 7 and re-kick. It’s not going to hurt them.”
“It was a dirty play,” said inside linebacker James Farrior.
So now the Ravens are sinking to the level of going after Steeler players on extra points? One has to wonder if this will ever end, as not only are the refs after Harrison, but it seems that other teams are now officially after him too.

Ben Dover
December 9, 2010 at 2:49 pm
That pansy John Harbaugh is not below sinking to that level to remove an impact player. If you remember in the 2008 AFC Championship Game the Ravens threw a deep ball toward the end zone which resulted in a pass interference call against the Steelers, CBR showed a re-play of Harbaugh’s reaction, you could read his lips he said “it worked!” There is no level that scumb-bag will not stoop to in an attempt to lead his inferior team to victory.
December 9, 2010 at 4:44 pm
If Potsy says it was a dirty play that’s enough for me. I can’t believe Harbaugh talks about adjusting his team to play with the supposed new rules and then allows a player to do such a thing. It’s pretty simple with the fact that lineman don’t fire out on a FG or PAT but Chester did on this play right towards # 92’s legs. You’re bagged Raven’s and I bet Ray Lewis if given truth serum would admit it was dirty and bush league!