James Harrison, who again was hit with an awful personal foul, thinks that the league should fine Raider Richard Seymour for his slap/punch on Ben Roethlisberger in Sunday’s win for the Steelers.
James Harrison, who has seen his share of flags this season and has been fined on numerous occasions by the NFL, believes the league should suspend Raiders defensive end Richard Seymour for his hit on Ben Roethlisberger that got him ejected from today’s game. “I don’t see why not,” Harrison said. “They’re trying to suspend guys for hits when that’s within the whistles, some hits that guys can’t even stop from doing. It’s an adjustment that a receiver makes to what you are about to do to him, and you end up hitting helmet to helmet. You’re talking about suspending a guy for that? You tell me what the next step is for a guy who blatantly, outside the play, it’s already thrown, and a guy is going to celebrate with his teammates and you punch him in the face.” Seymour claimed he reacted that way because Roethlisberger approached him from behind. “Well, first of all, I thought I let my teammates down,” Seymour told the Contra Costa Times of California. “You never want to do anything to hurt the team. That’s first and foremost. It was a lot of ongoing, and you’re out there to protect yourself. It’s still no excuse. I’m not sure exactly what happened on the play. I just turned around, and he just ran up on me quick. It was just natural reaction.” Seymour would not say whether Roethlisberger said something to provoke the punch. “You heard a lot of stuff going on,” Seymour said. “I never complain about what happens in the trenches. You’ve never heard me complain about anything that goes on. Like I said, my main focus is on the team and not doing anything to hurt the team.”

November 22, 2010 at 12:10 pm
Thats Seymour’s excuse?? What a scum-bag! It was after a TD pass and he thought Ben was coming up behind him, to do exactly what? Did he think Ben was about to punch him 1st? Was he afraid that Ben was going to celebrate near him? That is a weak excuse from a thug who was pissed at watching his overrated team get pummeled by a better one. Maybe he was used to coming to Pittsburgh as a member of the Patriots and winning games? I dont care what he uses as an excuse, GOD-dell has every reason to fine and suspend this idiot for that cowardly move. “I didnt want to hurt my team”. What a douche bag! Anyway, like I said before, if this isnt violating a conduct policy, I dont know what is!
November 22, 2010 at 12:37 pm
Seymour has always been soft spoken off the field but I’ve seen him and his old line mate, Vince Wolfolk do some nasty stuff after the whistle. Remember when VW poked Brandon Jacobs in the eye through his face mask? Seymour better get a huge fine and a one game suspension! I’m more upset though about the BS call on Woodley for roughing the passer and also on Harrison. The refs yesterday were terrible and you really get a feeling that the Stillers are somehow being targeted or treated differently! Even the PI call on Ike was a joke…the guy ran out of bounds!!! I hope the Rooney’s raise caine with a phone call to the NFL offices.
November 22, 2010 at 12:45 pm
about the only thing I could see was if he was a bit woozy. It’s hard to say what anyone would do when they are 1. hypoxic from working so hard 2. possible have some mild head trauma. There are stories of lineman lining up with the wrong team! (usually a team they used to play for) during a game as they can get so out of it. Didn’t some pittsburgh steelers lineman (from back in the day) admit to being high on amphetamines while playing? Just saying.
November 22, 2010 at 2:10 pm
Dave, WHAT???????
November 22, 2010 at 12:50 pm
here is an example (though it doesn’t say whether or not he played for the former team)
George H
November 22, 2010 at 3:15 pm
Dave who are you referring to?
November 22, 2010 at 5:04 pm
To bad MR. LAMBERT was not on the field.. He would of killed that PUSSY! Harrison keeps getting fined, wtf? Its cool tho because these fake flags are going to cause someone to get ENDED! QB’s watch out, the more we get fined the more the ANGER builds up! You keep fake flagging up we respond! NFL is turnning into a JUNK league! Steelernation will never DIE, u can’t stop us… We will be in the SUPERBOWL! AGAIN!
The Tony
November 22, 2010 at 6:10 pm
Richard Seymour was fined 25k for his hit on Roethlisberger
November 22, 2010 at 7:50 pm
What a hypocritical league. This is a joke being played on the players, but just as much being plyed on us fans. The league really sucks and is now no better than the joke that the NBA is. Thugs,bad calls,fixed games,and reprehensible officiating. Too bad the fans, the ones who pay the ticket prices,jersey prices,concessions and memoribilia(sp?) are the ones getting ripped off!
November 22, 2010 at 7:27 pm
I wonder how much harrison will be fined for his personal foul, roughing the passer penalty? Based on the way this ass-clown of a commisioner hands down punishment, it will probably be a $40,000 fine with a one game suspension. Could you imagine if harrison sucker punched brady or Manning or hell, even flacco? he would be suspended for the rest of the year. Complete double standard…Godell is a joke and his league is becoming one as well.
November 22, 2010 at 7:44 pm
Mike, you are right. GOD-dell is a joke, a hypocrite and has WAY too much power at his disposal. A 25k fine, thats it? WOW, Harrison gets $75k for a marginal hit during play and Seymour,who has been ejected before, gets only $25k for a cheap shot after the play. NAh, no favoritism,no hypocrisy here. This league sucks!
November 22, 2010 at 7:59 pm
I honestly hate Roger GOD-dell with all my heart. He is a joke, who is just loving the attention he gets. By this I mean he is arrogant and tying to implement rule changes that will have his thumb-print on it for generations to come. Then he can sit back in his old age and reap the accolades of being “a game changer” by those idiot thug players, that he hypocritically abetted,who will eventually get media jobs.
You all know what players I mean and what I mean by abetted! Some of his “rules” serve against certain players and not others. This league and this “commisioner” is about as respectable as a bag of last years shit.
Cleda Galioto
November 22, 2010 at 11:19 pm
I cannot believe Seymour wasn’t fined. They are constantly fining Harrison for legal hits calling them illegal. He’s a tough player, not dirty! Too bad the rules are different for each team.