If you didn’t see it in the Post-Gazette, Art Rooney had some pretty interesting thoughts about the James Harrison situation, and feels that Harrison’s hit that was fined should have not been hit with a fine, and he doesn’t feel Harrison “launched” himself as some have contended.
“We’ve told James that if he decides to appeal, he has our support,” Mr. Rooney said. Mr. Harrison’s agent, Bill Parise, said he filed an appeal Wednesday. “I think the play was a legal hit,” Mr. Rooney said. “It’s on the borderline, though.” Borderline is not flagrant, and Mr. Rooney said he was more concerned about how the league moves forward on such hits, and cautioned that suspensions, as threatened by the league, should not be doled out willy-nilly. “The thing I’m concerned about going forward is the level of discipline and how far we’re going with that,” Mr. Rooney said. “And I hope that the league office is going to draw a distinction between a flagrant hit, an egregious hit — whatever these words are that are getting thrown around — versus something that is a violation but is not flagrant.” Mr. Rooney joined coach Mike Tomlin and Mr. Harrison himself in declaring the hit on Mr. Massaquoi a clean one. “James’ play, I think, was a football play,” Mr. Rooney said. “I understand the part about not launching yourself. I think that’s the part that was on the borderline. I mean, did he lunge at the guy to make the tackle or did he launch himself?”

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