59 percent of SportsNation thinks James Harrison should be suspended for his helmet-to-helmet hits in Sunday’s game against the Browns.
SportsNation co-host Colin Cowherd agrees, “He looked like he was headhunting. I watched these hits and I thought, ‘Cheap shot, too violent, suspended.’ Sometimes there’s a collision and in the speed of the NFL it was incidental. When you watched Harrison it was like he was going after people.”
Here are the results of today’s other polls.
Would you let your child play football?
87% Play
13% Not play
If you owned Wrangler Jeans, would you continue to air Brett Favre commercials?
59% Keep airing them
41% Stop airing them
Andy Reid said his quarterback situation is a “beautiful thing.” Do you agree?
62% Agree
38% Disagree
If you were a Steelers fan, would you have cheered Ben Roethlisberger?
66% Cheered
34% Not cheered

October 18, 2010 at 8:55 pm
Harrison should not be suspended. The flag was not thrown during the game. You can not go back and penalize someone days after if you do it for him then you will have to go back to the first game and look at ALL the players. Harrison only verbalized what everyone in the league is thinking. It is called football not flag football.
Danny Doofus
October 19, 2010 at 12:15 am
Hanson shouldn’t be suspended. He should be given an award. Too many sissies in the game these days.
Danny Doofus
October 19, 2010 at 12:17 am
And furthermore, Ben Roethlisberger is the man. So what he likes to chase the skirts? No big deal. Boys will be boys. Would you rather Ben chase the boys?