Now you never like to start counting on wins before they happen, but you have to believe that Dick LeBeau and his band of warriors have to be seeing blood today.
Due to injuries to their two sub-par QB’s, Seneca Wallace and Jake “interception machine” Delhomme, the Browns seem to be leaning towards starting Texas rookie Colt McCoy at QB Sunday when the Browns travel to Pittsburgh.
The Browns took McCoy in the third round, but the clowns had so little faith in him, there was chatter late in preseason that he wouldn’t even make the team.
Then Sunday at home against the Falcons, instead of McCoy getting a chance, they put a less than 100 percent Delhomme in the game, and he ended up getting even more hurt and will miss even more time according to reports.
The backup for McCoy on Sunday – Brett Ratliff, who was just signed Monday as well.
Remember when the Browns threw a rookie named Eric Zier against the Steelers back in 1995? The Steelers won that game by 20. Sunday may be even worse – which will be even more fun.

October 12, 2010 at 9:32 am
Well – if the kid is going to be any good he has to want this. If he’s hungry enough and can bring a little of that college confidence to the game he might be fun to watch.
And everyone knows (In Cleveland at least – unfortunately) that Mangini has issues with just about everyone on the team. If McCoy can’t swim with the Steelers, then he should be living in Texas. But – I’m going to predict (Sorry – I’m from Cleveland) that he will do pretty good and that our Defense will show up and give that sex offender QB of yours a run for his money.
Anyway – I hope it’s a fun game for both Pittsburg and Cleveland. That’s all we can ask for here in Cleveland. Hopefully as fun as our beat down on you last December.
October 12, 2010 at 10:14 am
Chuck, we’re not usually hospitable here to interlopers who root for other teams, but after the way Cleveland waxed us last year, you are entitled to a gentlemanly word. And in the interest of good sportsmanship, any football fan has to feel sorry for Colt McCoy being thrown to the wolves like this. That scenario has ruined more than one promising QB. I am one of those who felt McCoy was not a good NFL QB prospect, if only because his height limits his vision over those big O-linemen. I don’t think he will fair well against LeBeau’s defensive schemes. But I agree with you that the Brown defense is stout and will make it a decent game.
Now, a friendly word of advice, Chuck: if you’re going to comment here, you’d better learn to spell ‘Pittsburgh.’
Chuck Carter
October 12, 2010 at 1:50 pm
October 12, 2010 at 11:26 am
Colt McCoy is going to be in for the worse reception he could have imagined. I agree with DrGeorge, I thought his future in the NFL was murky at best. His size and arm strength are going to be liabilities in this league. To give him his first start, in this situation is boarderline cruel! I imagined his parents sending Mangini a letter asking him to start ANYBODY else.I think the Browns defense can make this game somewhat interesting, at least for a quarter and a half anyway. A well rested, angry Steeler team playing at home, coming off a bitter loss and welcoming back their franchise QB is a HUGE obstacle to overcome for any team, let alone the struggling Browns and a rookie QB. Seneca Wallace had a better chance of moving the ball than DelHomme or McCoy. Anyway, by the 4th, this game is OVER! ALso, I am not going to comment on Chuck’s input. For the only reason; that I am sick of hearing Ben called out. He sat out his suspension and thats over now.Lets play some AFC North football!!
Chuck Carter
October 12, 2010 at 2:03 pm
If I recall Cleveland beat you last year after you’d been beaten a number of times by subpar teams… Anyway, I am hoping for a miracle here (Cleveland is shunned by God it seems most of the time) and that the Browns give you a good game and a competitive 3 hours of play. Maybe even a win… stranger things have happened.
As for Big Ben – even Terry Bradshaw is pretty outspoken about him and thinks he should have been traded away as an example. But I like the guy – big, kinda slow but he sure as hell knows how to play QB. And is fun to watch to boot.
But for the sake of civil discourse – good luck on Sunday.
One last thing – McCoy might be 6’1+” but so was Brian Sipe who brought down some games around your heads once upon a time. Joe Montana, Steve young, Joe Namath were all 6’2″…
The average size of quarter backs in the league is about 6’3″ right now.
It’s not height. It’s about heart guys. And if you live in Cleveland, you gotta have heart. And unfortunately something resembling a receiver corps who can get open… ugh.
Chuck Carter
October 12, 2010 at 3:18 pm
Oh – and one last bit of trivia, current trivia.
Max Hall – the rookie QB for Arizona, fresh on his first start engineered a hell of an upset over Super Bowl Champs NO.
He’s 6’1″.
So if Colt can get a smidgen of protection (Provided Thomas has a good game – I know you will go after him like crazy) – and by some miracle we find receivers who can get open and Cribbs plays like God and Hillis is fully healed – we might have a fighting chance.
Our defense will take it to you – I’m sure they’re watching the film from last year too and will build on what we did to you all when we sacked Big Ben 8 times.
Rooting for a fun game – not a blow out.
George H
October 12, 2010 at 12:11 pm
As shallow as it might sound… Ben has 2 alleged rapes with no convictions, as much as I want a role model qb its prob not going to be big ben, but I’ll take to superbowl wins any day.
As for the game on Sunday: is there any real chance that the Browns can actually pull off a win here. Colt McCoy stands zero chance of producing anything that resembles a decent nfl start. He will be on his back more than on his feet with the defense attacking him this week. Also the Steelers are coming off a bye week to prepare for this game and Ben is trying to put the past in the past, so he has a lot to prove to gain the fans back.
This game can get nasty real quick… I say final score is 34-10 with the steelers giving up a late meaningless td.
Chuck Carter
October 12, 2010 at 2:05 pm
Need to be careful about making predictions. Sounds a lot like the same stuff Steelers fans said last year in December….
Cleveland has something to prove – you don’t. A lot can happen if a team is seriously motivated.
Well at least we can hope for the team being seriously motivated.
October 12, 2010 at 2:23 pm
Cleveland fan here,
Expect to see a lot of Josh Cribbs in the Wildcat formation.
George H
October 12, 2010 at 3:13 pm
Cribbs has been a thorn in the Steelers paw for too long now
October 13, 2010 at 2:26 pm
Colt McCoy to lead the Browns past the Squeelers…. Mark that down!!! Go Browns!!!!