Seems that the Bus hasn’t been heard from for awhile, so it’s no shock that he is coming out and stating what he thinks about his buddy and former QB Ben Roethlisberger.
Jerome Bettis spoke to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about Ben, and about what he thinks the QB has to do to get back some love from the fans and those teammates that might not be so happy with him right now.
“It is a situation where he has to prove his heart is in the right place,” Bettis said. “And I know from knowing Ben that his heart is in the right place.”
Bettis said he hasn’t had much of a shot to catch up with Roethlisberger, but has exchanged text messages with the quarterback.
The QB was suspended by the NFL for violating the NFL personal-conduct policy, and will sit for the first four games at least.
“He has to keep his head down, play hard and give back to the community,” Bettis said. “If he does that, slowly but surely, he will be able to work through the process. It is not going to be a quick fix.”

July 8, 2010 at 12:25 pm
The only thing the jacked up hilldicks in Appalachia care about is winning. If Ben comes in and can throw some touchdowns, the cattle will offer their daughters like Abraham offered Isaac to God (sorry about the Biblical reference, I know it’s over the heads of the Godless perverts on this site). Unfortunately for Ben Raplesberger, the Squeelers are on the decline. Their attempts at shoring up their leaky offensive line have failed.
Their best receivers are gone. Their running game is stumbling and their defense is porous. Get ready to surrender 8 more sacks to the Browns second string.
The Tony
July 8, 2010 at 4:20 pm
Sounds like someone is jealous. It truly is a pity that a person has to come to a blog site and attempt to preach their own ideals about football. Clearly this is the most important part about life. Congradulations you are truly an amazing person.
Sonja W.
July 8, 2010 at 11:29 pm
First of all Mr.Pitt,Abraham offering Isaac to God was only God testing Abraham’s faith.God had NO intentions of letting Abraham actually kill Isaac.So get ur facts straight.Also,if u r going2have a screen name like that&use the language u r using,leave the Bible out of it.Second,I wouldn’t count the Steelers out. They have been down b4&they always manage2figure out how2win.Third,it has NEVER been PROVEN that Ben ROETHLISBERGER has ever done anything illegal.There r only2females that have accused him of supposedly sexually assaulting them.According to The Constitution, a person is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty.An accusation does NOT make someone guilty.I only see prove of bad decision-making.ALL of us have made bad decisions at one point in our lives.We will make bad decisions until the day we die.Last time I looked,that wasn’t a crime.If it was,we would ALL b in jail.So get ur facts straight Mr.Pitt b4 u go running ur mouth.
tom dorsey
July 10, 2010 at 9:36 pm
shut up you bible studying lezbian pussylicker and dont say i spelled lezbian wrong u shit
July 9, 2010 at 1:47 pm
thats funny…”pittsburgh on the decline”…lets see pittsburgh one year went 8-8 after a super bowl people said the same thing then 2 years after they have the toughest schedule and go 12-4 and win the superbowl…so fuk u bitch
tom dorsey
July 10, 2010 at 9:38 pm
go sexually assault yo boyfriend big ben,
Thomas Crowley
July 9, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Lincoln was not even around when God was alive you idiots!!! LOL! The people on this site are so fucking stupid. Abraham Lincoln was president in the 1960’s you douche bags!!! And God had already been gone for a couple hundred years. Learn your history pittsburgh assholes!!! I have said it all along on this site, you are all idiots. Ravens fans rule!!!
July 9, 2010 at 5:09 pm
Crowley, all I can say is HAHAHA!!! I swear if you hadn’t said you were a Ravens fan I would have guessed you were a Bengals fan. You sound about as ignorant and dumb as some of these people here in southern Ohio, and you appear to be about to have an IQ level equal to that of… lets say… a Chris Henry? And judging by the comment left by FukPitt up there the stupidity isn’t isolated to southern Ohio. I guess it stretches all the way to Cleveland where you have to be an absolute dumbass to even follow a professional team from that city. So how about the “smart” people like you find something better to do than sit on the internet all day on blog sites of teams you hate leaving comments about situations you know nothing about. You don’t see me on any Ravens blog sites leaving dumb comments. Of course if I did Ray Lewis would probably hunt me down and kill me.
tom dorsey
July 10, 2010 at 9:49 pm
oh yeah bitch, I FOLLOW MY GODDAM HOMETOWN TEAM CUZ IM A FUCKIN TRUE FAN UNLIKE YOU PUSSYSTABBING FUCKING FRONTRUNNERS!!!!! im surprized your ass iz on dis website cuz i bet you have nothing to do with that dump of a shit city oh yeah fast fact the fukin brownies have more championships than yo frontrunner ass 46 47 48 49 50 53 57 64 thats 8, cant say shit.
July 9, 2010 at 9:35 pm
NO WAY! Did I just read that up there about Abraham Lincoln?!? NO way!!!! I can barely stand it…That’s like something you see only in movies or something! Thomas are you serious about thinking Sonja was referring to Abraham Lincoln?!?!?!?!?!?! For realzies?!?!?!?!? No way!!!!!! I’ve read everything now!!!!! And I believe it was the 1860’s! Yo brah, the moon ain’t made of cheese and we have actually walked on it!?! Like seriously, dude, thank you for that retort because now I can: laugh my ass off all night, tell my colleagues at work and school and just flat out enjoy literature at this level doesn’t get much better than this! This, by the way, could also be used as blackmail to send to Ravens sites because, unlike Mr Crowley, I highly doubt their fans are as dumb as him and might actually ban him or something. On a serious note I come to this site to read informed Steelers fans opinions of the team—not no life having fans of other teams—don’t you assholes have your own fanbase to annoy. I mean, we can’t ban you (hint Mr. Loede) but like it makes no sense dude(s) to come here. You’re not welcome and you’re certainly not taken seriously…Hold on….Ah this sucks, I gotta go, President Kennedy was just shot!
The Tony
July 9, 2010 at 10:24 pm
I never knew that President Lincoln was alive in the 1960’s. Thomas you just proved your point about being an idiot.
July 9, 2010 at 11:25 pm
Please stop talking religion and politics on this site. I don’t care if it is an analogy. Thomas, an analogy is a comparison to help illustrate a point or to reinforce an argument. Also, Thomas, very important, go upstairs and punch your mom in the ovaries for raising such a stupid ass son.
July 10, 2010 at 8:29 am
I am still cracking up over this latest chapter in the “Crowley” saga. I have never seen someone try to be so smart(ass) and then embarrass himself by trying to use historical fact and screwing that up! Lincoln in the 1960’s!! LOL. How does Lincoln talk actually become part of a Steeler site anyway?? Anyhow, thank you all for a good laugh!! Even you Thomas Crowley, your insanity and idiotic statements make my day!! All of us Steeler fans enjoy your case of verbal diarrhea.