For those of you that have read the site for awhile, you may be aware that my first published book – titled “100 Things Steelers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die” has been in the works for quite a few months. We’ve run a few of the chapters here on the site, and so far have gotten a pretty positive response.
Well, I am happy to report that the book, which is set to arrive in stores on September 1st, is officially available for pre order on as well as on The price on Amazon is a bit cheaper at $10.17 for pre-order, which is close to $5 off the retail. On Borders the book is being sold via pre-order for the retail price of $14.95.
We will have a lot more info on the book, as well as an official website that is in the works promoting the book as well. And of course here on we will have some giveaways of copies as well. In the meantime, grab a copy for yourself of your favorite Steeler fan!

May 25, 2010 at 11:53 am
I just saw the page on Amazon. Good luck with your book. As a suggestion and especially for those who don’t know your tone/style, or who randomly come across it on Amazon, you should have a synopsis about the book on Amazon – it will increase your pre-orders.
Matt Loede
May 25, 2010 at 8:01 pm
Thank you Susyn, as you can tell it’s my first time around doing a book, but I will for sure take your advice and throw up something on it in the next few days! Thanks!
Alan Vandersloot
September 23, 2010 at 7:58 am
Matt; they are offering your book as a trivia prize this week on local station WOYK 1350 in York, PA.
[daily question- Steelers trivia on the mandmshow on Facebook.]
I hope to win!
Al Vandersloot