Pro Football has had the stories all day about Ben Roethlisberger and the situation in regard to his suspension and what the team is going to do in terms of trying to trade him. They have an interesting tidibt this evening about how do the Steelers bring Big Ben back with him knowing they wanted him gone?
It could be too late for the Steelers to unring this bell, now that they’re trying to move the eleventh pick from the 2004 draft. Really, how often does a starting quarterback move from trading block to his old job?
To date, Roethlisberger’s camp has been silent. With the Steelers’ immediate response to the news of a suspension to be to commence the process of dumping him, maybe he has decided that he wants out.
Either way, this story won’t be wrapping up any time soon. If he gets traded, it’s actually only getting started.
To me, from what I have heard, the QB wants to remain a Steeler, and Willie Colon today on NFL Radio said Roethlisberger knows the severity of what he did, and is willing to do what it takes to win the fans back. I think the team should stand pat, give him one more chance, and see if he can turn his life around and finally make the changes to be the team leader he says he wants to be.
Forget about HAVING to trade him. Teams talk all the time, and I don’t think the club is backed in a corner having to move him. Bring him back, he’s still the best option to get the team back to the Super Bowl again, even if he misses 4 to 6 games.

David Patterson
April 22, 2010 at 12:34 am
Looks like big Ben has to go.
Seems like the guy can’t hold his liquor.
Maybe he needs a fresh start and different friends.
April 22, 2010 at 3:14 am
Who made Coodell the pope. What about a czar for our government conduct. The DNC head Steele spent money on strip clubs and half our politicians have had affairs etc. Ben is just a human being. What about the bar that left this twenty year old in there are they not cultable. Bens the fall guy just as Tiger for everyone in this societies sexual appetites. Judging seems to be norm while looking in the mirror and seeing what’s there dosen’t matter. If I was Ben I would go to the ACLU and sue the NFL for false charges and discrimination. Who the hell is Goodell to judge anyone is he the goodie good guy. Probably not. Ben your the greatest this lench party is ridiculous.
The Tony
April 22, 2010 at 10:52 am
Well said Ed
April 22, 2010 at 10:59 am
I’ve thought about this more and more and it would be absolute stupidity for the Steelers to trade him at this point. Give him the opportunity to prove himself and don’t give up a franchise QB. They don’t come along that often and nobody wants to wait 5-10 more years to be a SB contender.
April 22, 2010 at 11:05 am
How rediculous is this! Do I condone such behaviour? Absolutely not! But what happened to “innocent until proven guilty!” I know you’re thinking “where there’s smoke there’s fire. You may be right. But, why punish the team and fans for Ben’s actions OFF OF THE FIELD. Take away his salary for 4 or 6 games, but he should still play. Counseling – yes. What other player has been punished this way when they haven’t been CONVICTED? What other profession could punish a person this way or even fire them? I could go on forever and have for days. Again, this is rediculous!
April 22, 2010 at 11:58 am
You’re wrong, Maggie, if I, as a case manager in a psychiatric rehabiltation day program facility for adult mental health patients with schizophrenia, were caught with my pants down iin public, I’d be fired! What everyone is failing to realize here is that young people who suddenly get millions and millions and millions of dollars do not know how to act, PERIOD!! And I can’t say I would either if I, at that age, would’ve been given that type of money eaither. But, it’s the way it is! There NEEDS to be an autocratic authority figure to keep the ship aflaot; if you think otherwise, I opine that you simply are myopic and don’t understand the way business works! Am I a fan of Ben sitting, NO! But do I think it’s deserved for MISREPRESENTING HIS SELF, HIS LEAGUE, HIS FANS, AD INFINITUM, YES! Take off the rose colored, biased, partialized glasses and TRY to be objective. I am for NOT trading him and I AM forgiving him a second chance by the way because I think he may have an alcohol addiction problem and deserves a second chance to be rehabbed. But to say that the commish is the pope means you’re scared about losing some games. Ben brought this on himself and if it means we lose a few games, so fucking what!? Integrity needs to prevail here! If you’re afraid of losing or whatever, then go get a dog!
April 22, 2010 at 3:38 pm
Jay, what about all the other kids that have been drafted and been given millions of dollars and not put themselves in the situations that Ben has? That’s a pretty broad brush you are using.
No way we trade Ben. He is too good. Its not a league for choir boys (Ed, insert joke about corrupt catholic church and GOP). Its about winning. Ben made a mistake, he has been punished. Let the healing begin. Hopefully the steelers have a good draft and bring in some talent that can help the team.
April 22, 2010 at 6:26 pm
You’re right Cecil, it is a broad brush and maybe fallaciously so; but my main point is that it’s easy to sit in our chairs and wonder why certain athletes don’t know how to act or do certain things. The truth is none of us (unless there are former millionaire athletes blogging out there) know what it’s like to have that kind of money and be in that kind of position. It does not exonerate Ben for his (horrid) actions but please don’t yell at the commissioner when he tries to keep his business reputable!