I don’t know why this would be much of a shock considering his track record with two rings as well as his age, but it looks like the Steelers want much more for their franchise QB Ben Roethlisberger than the Eagles wanted for QB Donovan McNabb:
If the Steelers trade quarterback Ben Roethlisberger they’ll want more than the package the Eagles received for Donovan McNabb earlier this month. Michael Lombardi of the National Football Post writes that, “I doubt it,” in reference to Pittsburgh accepting what Philadelphia got from Washington. “The Steelers are angry, but they’re not stupid. Roethlisberger is hard to trade right now, but that doesn’t mean the Steelers shouldn’t listen to any offers.” The Bills and Raiders could be potential landing spots for Roethlisberger.

April 17, 2010 at 6:56 pm
I hope they do not trade Ben but if they do, I hope they do it quickly because I cant take all of this rumor/trade talk anymore! I am nervous with anticipation everytime I see NFL news drag across the ESPN screen and I am constantly checking this site as well as Steelerslive to see if it has happened. This is brutal. Sure, its all Ben’s fault for this even being an option but us fans are going crazy in anticipation over the possible loss of the best Steeler QB in 30 years.We waited a long time for a championship caliber QB and the kid delivered…twice. Now, he is on the outs with the fan base and possibly the organization. This is unreal! QB’s like this do not come around very often, as us Steeler fans are well aware of. 1980-2005 was a long drought and plenty of “B” grade QB’s came and went thru Pittsburgh without delivering. Ben has been exciting and a winner and it will be hard to see him go if thats the road the team takes after the dust settles. We shall see, but again, I hope a decision comes soon because I for one am suffering!
George H
April 17, 2010 at 8:18 pm
I agree 100%. In fact, I am going to be extremely dissappointed is Ben gets traded. The Steelers certainly owe Ben more than all of these rumors. I would rather Ben retire than go anywhere else because I dont think I could stand to see him wearing a Bills jersey. On the field Ben represents everything a Steelers player should be and time after time he has given us fans a reason to cheer. Again is everyone forgetting the years of 1980-2005. I think the smart fans realize Ben needs to stay if the Steelers want to win. The uproar that we have been hearing from the fans has been uncalled for. Ben wasnt charged although Im not sure that he was completely innocent. But he wasnt charged so now all these fans are calling for his head. Im getting the feeling that these so-called Steelers fans are nothing more than bandwagon fans that hopped aboard in 2005. Seriously, Im a pittsburgh transplant and now live in nothern Virginia. Its actually a pretty heavy Steelers fan base, but I lived here for 15 years now and 10 years ago you didnt see all these fans. Only about 5 years ago they all started popping up with their Steelers bumperstickers and decals. These are the same fans that were Broncos fans in the late 90’s and Cowboys fans in the early 90s. Just talking to a few fans at bars and around the campus they all tell me the same thing… yeah where you from? NY… and your a Steelers fan? Yeah big fan? How long? about 5 years… What u think of Ben? Trade that douche! Usually I walk away from the convo at that pointbecause its really frustrating what uneducated fans say. Just the other day I saw the facebook group titled something along the lines of Ladies of Steelers nation want ben gone. So i took a look and wasnt surprised at all to see how beligerent the page was. First of all they repeatedly said quarterback as 2 words. Then they tried to talk about former players and butchering their names and whole role with the team. Needless to say it was bad. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I would really appreciate it if some people would think before they speak. The unsettling thing is that the Big Ben case isnt over, yeah he was uncharged, but its already a snowball-affect. If Ben looked at a gril the wrong way in the past they will cry wolf and rumor has it they already started to. This is going to be a long off-season for Ben but I absolutely believe Ben is still the man for the Steelers. I know Ben has made stupid mistakes but he is still the Steelers guy. Winning will cure this mess, we have seen it happen time after time in sports. Now Ben has to be on an extremely short leash and really try to do some good in the community to help repair his image. Funny how a year ago today he was the next NFL golden boy. People this is going to be a big comeback story and I want all these Big Ben haters to enjoy their time now because once he takes the field and starts to win games, everyone will be cheering.
Ben Dover
April 17, 2010 at 9:19 pm
The Steelers should trade Roethlisberger to the Bungles for Carson Palmer.
Ben has a rap sheet now that compares with any player on the Cincinnatti roster, and Palmer would be a worthy replacement for him at quarterback.
It’s a win-win for both teams.
George H, don’t you think that the Steelers deserve more than a moron who drags their reputation through the mud on a yearly basis.
How about this: Tony Romo dates Country singing stars, Tom Brady dates Super models and Ben Roethlisberger is accused of sexual assult. Why isn’t a guy who can have any woman he wants involved in a long-term relationship? Because no woman is good enough for narcisist like him.
Get rid of him now before more problems arise because of his personality flaws.
April 17, 2010 at 10:28 pm
Only way two trade him if for at least two first round draft choices.
April 18, 2010 at 8:12 am
I too, George, am surprised at the volume of Ben haters…I mean, he should be chastised but it’s getting ridiculous. I wrote or blogged earlier that MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH…did I mention MUCH research should be done by the people in charge (Steeler organization) before they go and trade Ben. If they do the research and can get two first rounders, then I guess I stand behind them. I do root for the Steelers by the way, not the Roethlisbergers….That being said, I sure hope that the Rooneys think this through ad infinitum before they decide. ONLY THE ROONEYS KNOW WHAT HAPPENED (of those that matter that is) AND ONLY THE ROONEYS SHOULD MAKE THIS CHOICE; not Steeler nation and definitely not bandwagon fans who can quite frankly kiss my ass!
April 18, 2010 at 9:07 am
Exactly Jay! We root for the team not so much the players. Its not like the old days where the same team stayed intact for 7 or 8 years. Now, change is a part of the game and we know it better than anyone. But this? This is unreal. Ben has acted like an idiot, or a spoiled,arrogant jerk. Last I checked, none of this is a crime. He hasnt been charged,arrested, etc.. Why the hate and the trade talks? Sorry, I am not buying the cliche’ “Steeler Way” of doing things. Ben is a Great QB, and winners like this are few and far between. Lets all just think about that. Just recently: Flacco- Big rookie and soph. year= NO TITLES. Same for Matt Ryan,Mark Sanchez,Phil Rivers and the rest. It is not easy to win a Super Bowl like some have suggested you can do with a “B” Qb. Sure, it has been done. But catching lightning in a bottle is very rare when you realize that greats like Marino, Moon,Fouts,Kelly,and Tarkenton never won any Super Bowls. I guess I would rather take my chances with a proven winner like Ben, then hand the keys to the kingdom over to Dixon,Batch,Bradford,Bulger,McCoy etc….
April 18, 2010 at 9:35 am
Since probably no one has read a post from a few days ago; here is reiteration….
April 18th, 2010 at 8:26 am
Here’s what I have to say to the alleged victim:
It is a shame that what has happened has happened. I am fully against rapists and thugs and creeps and what I have to say to you is mutually exclusive from Ben…I already spouted off against him calling him a “pig” in my Grad School…But, I think that, even if you were raped, you’re still a whore because you have no business going out to clubs and underage drinking and walking down dark hallways toward back rooms with a celebrity who has been alleged for sexual assault before. What did you expect to happen?1? Again, this is mutually exclusive from Ben and I AM NOT EXONERATING HIM….He could actually be a monster for all we know…But we’ll never know now will we because of people like you who really have no clue….You’re a microcosm for a generation that thinks vomiting on fans and settling disputes with guns and thinks that literal transfer of action on a video screen of horrible deaths is okay because you saw it on a video game screen of course! You have no…No, let me speak your language…U ain’t got no value for life lol urs n all the parents of this generation of punks should be ashamed of yourselves!
George H
April 18, 2010 at 9:35 am
I love the Steelers but I also love the players on the team and to think otherwise is crazy. Who hear doesnt love seeing Troy flying across the field and intercepting the ball with his fingertips before it hits the ground? Or whenever its 3rd and goal and everyone shouts Millertime!!Theres a million different situations that the Steelers player’s do that we all cheer for. Were not just cheering for the team bc were also cheering for the player. I still follow players careers after they leave the team and usually hope for the best for them too. No doubt football is the ultimate team sports, but its the players that make the team, not the teams reputation.
April 18, 2010 at 1:58 pm
GeorgeH, I understand that way of thinking. I also love the players while they are Steelers too. What I meant was that back in the day, when I first became a Steeler fan (1974 or so), I knew that the team I saw one year would basically be the same team the next and the next and the next year. Free agency has changed the rules, so its very hard to get used to players staying a long time. I was the first person to buy a Kendrell Bell jersey after his phenomenal rookie season but 2 years later, he was gone. Holmes is the latest player no one really thought would be gone already. For whatever reason,you cant count on players staying with your favorite team for the duration of a career. Seeing Ben leave would be tough to take. We waited so long for this type of impact QB and the guy delivered. The hardest part is letting him go when he has NOT been charged or convicted of ANYTHING! Isnt that what most Steeler fans are concerned about? Again, I feel the “conduct” policy is vague at best and becomes a judgement call,by one person, with “race” influencing the final decision. I dont feel that is a fair disciplinary tactic and just cant understand why Steeler fans want him disciplined so harshly or ran out of town?