Another disturbing side note to the Ben case is this latest from ESPN, which says that the QB exposed himself the night of the alleged assault:
The young woman who accused Ben Roethlisberger of sexual assault said she tried to get away from the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback and told him “no, this is not OK,” according to police documents released Thursday. In one of at least two statements the 20-year-old college student gave to police, she said Roethlisberger told her, and her friends, to take numerous shots of alcohol and then one of his bodyguards escorted her into a hallway at the Capital City nightclub, sat her on a stool and left, and Roethlisberger walked down the hallway and exposed himself. “I told him it wasn’t OK, no, we don’t need to do this and I proceeded to get up and try to leave,” she said. According to her statement, Roethlisberger then followed her into a nearby bathroom and shut the door. “I still said no, this is not OK, and he then had sex with me,” she wrote. “He said it was OK. He then left without saying anything.”

April 16, 2010 at 1:44 pm
As a life long steeler fan, I think we should just move on with this issue and hope and pray that Ben learned his lesson. Anyone that drinks and goes partying at bars knows what this is all about. It’s not a pretty picture but so many people being involved just adds up to a mess. What is twenty year old doing in a bar? Why did the bar let these college kids in? With everyone being drug and partying who is accountable for their actions under this sad situation. Forgive Ben and give him one more chance to make this right and just drop it because if we lose him the team will go to pot. I know this being unrealistic but what other option do we have. We can’t be moral judges of everyone playing football. What about society, like our crooked politicans who’s going to police them. What about the corruption in the Church who going to police that. I think we should all just look in the mirror and worry about what’s there.
April 18, 2010 at 8:26 am
Here’s what I have to say to the alleged victim:
It is a shame that what has happened has happened. I am fully against rapists and thugs and creeps and what I have to say to you is mutually exclusive from Ben…I already spouted off against him calling him a “pig” in my Grad School…But, I think that, even if you were raped, you’re still a whore because you have no business going out to clubs and underage drinking and walking down dark hallways toward back rooms with a celebrity who has been alleged for sexual assault before. What did you expect to happen?1? Again, this is mutually exclusive from Ben and I AM NOT EXONERATING HIM….He could actually be a monster for all we know…But we’ll never know now will we because of people like you who really have no clue….You’re a microcosm for a generation that thinks vomiting on fans and settling disputes with guns and thinks that literal transfer of action on a video screen of horrible deaths is okay because you saw it on a video game screen of course! You have no…No, let me speak your language…U ain’t got no value for life lol urs n all the parents of this generation of punks should be ashamed of yourselves!