You have to love a coach that will go the extra mile to get a player back, and it appears that Mike Tomlin and defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau did just that to get Ryan Clark back with the team.
The Post Gazette has an interesting quote today from Clark, who says a phone call from both men went a long way from having him ink with the Miami Dolphins.
“It was always the situation that I wanted to be here. … I didn’t want to leave,” Clark said. “I think when it clicked for me, [when] I was in Miami, starting to talk contract money, and to have coach Tomlin call me and say, we’re going to fight for you. To have coach LeBeau call me and say, ‘I don’t have control over negotiation, but don’t let negotiations sour you to the point where you don’t understand that we want you here.’ That was big for me.”
You have to wonder in this day and age where business is business, how many coaches would have done that to try and get a player back. Sure Clark talked to the Fins, but at the end of the day, coming back to the black and gold was a good decision for him, and a decision that in the long run makes the Steelers a better team.

George H
March 11, 2010 at 12:06 am
Its cool that Tomlin and gramps called Clark but a story that hasnt gotten much attention happened in Detroit. Jim Schwartz showed up at Kyle Vanden Bosch’s house one night unexpectandly and got him to sign. Yeah it dedications, but you have to go outside the box to get FAs to sign in Det.
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