Don Banks, the fine writer from SI, must have found his way to Steelers Gab the other day, as today on he put up a tidbit in his Inside the NFL page about the very thing I wrote about on Monday – the 05 Steelers compared to the 09 Jets.
Anyone else sensing something of a trend here? The 2005 Steelers were a defensively-led No. 6 seed that went on the road to win the Super Bowl, having knocked off the No. 1 seeded Colts in the divisional round. The 2007 Giants were a defensively-led No. 5 seed that went on the road to win the Super Bowl, having knocked off the No. 1 seeded Cowboys in the divisional round.
And under the heading of so far, so good, the 2009 Jets are a defensively-led No. 5 seed that is just one more road win away from the Super Bowl, having knocked off the No. 2 seeded Chargers in the divisional round. (Anybody else pick up on the Colts, Cowboys and Chargers all starting with a C? No, I didn’t think so.)
If the Jets beat the Colts, it’ll mark the fifth consecutive season a team that played in the first round went on to reach the Super Bowl (Steelers in 2005, Colts in 2006, Giants in 2007, Cardinals in 2008).
As I said though in my piece, I still think the Jets are going to lose Sunday in Indy. We shall see though, as the way that the club is playing, nothing right now would surprise me.

Ben Dover
January 20, 2010 at 7:23 pm
There is no comparison between the 2005 Steelers and the 2009 Jets, the differences couldn’t be more stark.
First, this is the Jet’s first appearance in the playoffs since 2004. The Steelers were in the post season in 2001, 2002, and 2004, reaching the AFC Championship Game in ’01 and ’04, therefore far more experienced than the Jets are today.
Second, the Jets Quarterback is a rookie, we all know how well rookie Quarterbacks perform in the AFC Championship Game, Roethlisberger ’04, Flacco “08.
Third, The Steeler’s Head Coach, Bill Cowher had lead them into the playoffs 10 times, advancing to the AFC Championship Game for the sixth time in’05. Cowher’s experience was one of the main reasons the Steelers won Super Bowl XL. Rex Ryan is a rookie Head Coach, enough said.
Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez are going to find that regular success is no indication of a teams performance in the AFC Championship Game. The Colts are going to Super Bowl XIV.
Ben Dover
January 24, 2010 at 11:18 pm
I guess the experts at SI overlooked the fact that the Jets players and coaches lacked big game experience, which is why they lost.