Well, for the past few weeks some 20-year-old Raven loving puke has been spewing his hate all over this Black and Gold site, trying to put down the greatest and most successful franchise in NFL history (yeah, that’s right, 6 rings spells success), and stating how wonderful his loser team is. Time to pay up little Tommy.
See, you start running your mouth about things you don’t know about, and your going to pay the price. Just like your team did tonight. Indianapolis 20 Baltimore 3. No score couldn’t have been any prettier (okay, 55-0 would have been great too). Seeing an overrated QB (yeah, Flacco is never gonna be a top-notch QB), a running back that puts the ball on the turf (4 fumbles lost in the last 7 games), and a defense that is not the big bad team they thought they were taking it on the chin sure was pretty.
So as the Ravens season ends, and they will be at home enjoying the remainder of the playoffs STILL with just one trophy, let’s relive some of the quotes of little Tommy as he says his final good-byes to the 2009 season:
“I guarantee this book will flop” (This in reference to my book ‘100 Things Every Steelers Fan Should Know Before They Die,’ which I have already gotten an advance for, and thank you Thomas, if Random House didn’t believe it would be a hit, they wouldn’t have invested in it).
“Matt i guarantee that won’t happen. The ravens may lose but won’t be a blowout like u think. You’re book on the other hand will be a historic flop.” (Hmmm…20-3 and it wasn’t that close? I would call that a blowout, as at no point after the first half did I fear the little birdies were ever in the game, and again, the checks for my book will clear long after next season starts and beyond).
“How do u know can u see into the future?
If u can recall we should of beaten the colts the last time. And how can u say they’ll beat us by 10 they haven’t been really blowing anybody out lately.” (Coulda, shoulda, woulda…they didn’t beat you by 10, they beat you by 17).
“The ravens accomplished something yesterday the steelers can’t do we beat tom brady. Its obivous you’re hate is showing, its ok if u don’t think we win but to think we don’t have a shot. Thats ridicolous if the ravens play half as well we can beat anybody. The only thing about this post i do agree with is joe flacco does have to play better. I’m sorry the steelers are a bunch of chokers but really dude.” (Chokers? Again, 6 rings, and the Ravens will once again talk about another playoff loss like last year…to the Steelers).
And, as we send Little Tommy and the Ravens on their merry way into the offseason, one last comment as he tries to save face as his team wipes away their tears:
“Well i bet your all happy right now and i’ll take my lumps. But i’m not dissapointed i’m proud of this team it was anothe succesful season as far i see it. Now your going to say we choke because we didn’t win super bowl but hey its hard to get to the big game, i’m proud to be a fan of this team the ravens will always be my team. We have a bright future i believe were building something special in baltimore nothing u can say will change that.”
Yeah, keep building little Tommy, I’m sure you and Ray Lewis and company will have even more excuses next year.

thomas crowley
January 17, 2010 at 12:32 am
Hey i ain’t going to cry about it we just got beat by a better team. And u know what matt i actually i love this post i’m proud u thought enough of me to post thank u matt. I’m not going anywhere matty boy i’ll be here all offseason,don’t u worry your old pal will be here to piss and make every steelers panties get tied up in a knot all year.
thomas crowley
January 17, 2010 at 12:43 am
In fact i’ll start now calling out a few things u said. Now u talk about me making excuses what u steeler fans this year. Every time u lost a game this year u balme it on troy p being out,every game the steelers lost thats all i heard. And the comment about the ravens defense not being the big bad d they thought they were. The steelers d led the league in blown 4th quarter leagues this year without troy p u were exposed.
thomas crowley
January 17, 2010 at 12:54 am
Flacco is overrated ahh he got his team to the playoffs 2 years in a row and he still developing. Also he didn’t haves hines ward and san antoino holmes to throw to. Also the steelers aren’t have the most succesful franchise in the nfl either,they have the most superbowls true. But the green bay packers have the most overall nfl titles with 12. There see i’m not going anywhere your just going have to deal with me eevrybody respond when u can.
George H
January 17, 2010 at 1:25 am
Thomas I rarely mud sling but let me break it down for you just because Im so sick of all the ignorant Raven fans….
Your first excuse, When trying to defend your Ravens big bad Defense you didnt defend them at all, you tried to put the Steelers down about our 4th quarter D.
Excuse number 2, yes Flacco got the Ravens to the playoffs for two years in a row, but u say he doesnt have WRs like the Steelers tandum with Ward and Holmes.
Finally excuse number three, you dont defend your season at all, you again attack the Steelers saying 12 Championships are better than 6 Super Bowls. Thomas if you werent a typical ignorant Ravens fan, you would realize that more than half of those GreenBay Championships came in a league with roughly 10 total temas. hmmmm u tell me whats better?
Now Thomas, if I recall correctly Baltimore had a team before the Ravens and the team skipped town. Why would they do that?
Thomas man you really need to grow up and take a good look around your life, bc if your pissin off people on a blog daily, then chances are you are a pathetic, lonely, douche that annoys everyone around him and thinks their being funny and cool. In reality Tommy, you might think people are laughing with you, but Im willing to bet that theyre just laughing at you.
George H
January 17, 2010 at 1:27 am
Mark Im definitely going to read the book and your doing a great job with the blog… keep up the good work.
thomas crowley
January 17, 2010 at 1:38 am
No george h i was pointing out matt loede hypocricital post thats all.Whats to defend about the ravens look pathetic and embarass themselves, i admit that i can’t defend them. Your point about the packers really means nothing ,because it doesn’t matter there in the nfl record books. Tommy, you might think people are laughing with you, but Im willing to bet that theyre just laughing at you. Really geogre h i don’t care what the people are doing.
The Tony
January 17, 2010 at 9:51 am
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a man slaughtering (literally) Ray Lewis knocked out of the playoffs. Oh by the way Tommy Boy, Ben won the superbowl in his second season. How many touchdowns did Joe Cool have during the playoffs?
January 17, 2010 at 10:18 am
Nice posting mate. Thanks for sharing
thomas crowley
January 17, 2010 at 11:50 am
He did it with a experience head coach bill cowher and alot of talent around him. Flacco doesn’t have either of those tony b.
Joe D
January 17, 2010 at 1:47 pm
Hey Tony, give it up, the Raven’s fan is blowing you away, and he’s doing it without cockiness, obnoxiousness, nor is he sounding like an immature, whiney little bitch. The raven’s got beat and he’s not making up silly excuses, he admitted his team got beat by a better team. You’re just acting like a cunt because ‘dem Stillers, like the season after super bowl 40 CHOKED. Tommy is right, Flacco doesn’t have a tommy maddox behind him helping him along the way. Perhaps Tony, instead of acting like a spoiled brat and sounding like a taunting bully on the school playground, you should talk like a real human being, make good points in your conversations and grow up a little bit.
George H
January 17, 2010 at 6:07 pm
Joe D- did you read the article at all… Matt pointed out countless time Thomas whined and made up excuses. So instead of feeling like a big man, why dont you get your facts straight. BTW Tommy Maddox didnt do anything to help Ben, the best thing Maddox did was to stink up the field to allow Ben to get his shot. Big Ben has had nothing but success in the NFL… Yea Flacco is young and it will take some time to develop into a great qb,thats clear, but the meaning of this article is supposed to be competitve banter, not low-brow name calling.
The Tony
January 17, 2010 at 2:40 pm
Thats a little harsh now. This supposed to be a clean room, and when people start swearing then it becomes immature. During the first run ben played brilliant throughout the playoffs and yes he didnt play well in the superbowl but he still led his team to victory. I really would not call Ben nearly dying and still wanting to play a choke by any means. Now back to Flacco and his amazing ability not play well in the playoffs. Flacco has a excellent pass catching tightend, a veteran widereciever who will most likely end up in the HOF. Flacco has three runningbacks capable of going off at any moment especailly with Rice who led your team with total offense. Your offensive line is far better than the Steelers line. What im questioning is with such a good run game why didnt the Ravens open up the pass through play action. And if anything if Joe does get into to trouble you have one of the best defenses in the game to help bail him out. Good luck next season.
Little Tommy Crowley
January 17, 2010 at 3:45 pm
The Ravens are gooder than the stellers. We hav Ray Lewis and Joey Flako. Bigg Benn is luky he play with a gooder team than my ravens can play with. My areguments are all based on drinking juise boxes in my parents basement and dreaming about my real dad, Ed Reed. Just because stellers have 6 lombardy troofies and my ravens have 1 don’t mean not a thing. Ravens are the goodest team ever!!!
mark williams
January 17, 2010 at 4:29 pm
Thomas u should know that I feel bad for you simply because u are a misguided fan to like a team that has all heart but no true skill or willingness to draft offensive talent?? Name them if you can??? Give up??? I thought you would!!!
January 17, 2010 at 4:48 pm
Mr. Loede , Mr. Loede, Mr. Loede,
Please, please, please stop posting these Raven illiterates. I love the site but reading their nonsense is pointless. I wanna read about the Steelers; not be pestered by the proverbial, annoying kid sister (that mark up there btw Ravens morons, is called a semicolon—it’s not someone winking or a gliche on your monitor. It’s called…punctuation…..Ooohh….Aahhhhh!). Trogledytes!
George H
January 17, 2010 at 6:11 pm
Well said… but either way this is a Steelers site, lets filter out the garabage. Anyone hear that Hampton is targeted for being resigned? Resigning Hampton could have a big effect on how the off-season plays out for the Steelers draft.
Ben Dover
January 17, 2010 at 6:08 pm
John Harbaugh is a classless douche bag. Who saw the way he acted toward Mike Tomlin after the Steelers beat the Ravens this season. No congratulations at the 50 yardline, the punk just barely shook his hand. There is a reason that clowns like him never win championships, it’s a lack of respect for the game and the Ravens and their douche bag head coach fit the bill.
thomas crowley
January 17, 2010 at 6:20 pm
The tony todd heap was barely invovled in the offense this year”” and derrick mason is a nice option, but he’s old and will probably retire now.Ben roethilsiberger is one of the best qbs in the nfl i don’t think he sucks. Flacco will be an elite quarterback eventually mark my words.
George H
January 17, 2010 at 6:22 pm
Its going to make for an even better rivarly then what we have now
thomas crowley
January 17, 2010 at 6:26 pm
I agree george h
Joe D
January 17, 2010 at 9:30 pm
George, In fact you’re very wrong. Tommy Maddox acted as a quarterbacks coach the rest of Ben’s rookie season, Ben said that many times.
Joe D
January 17, 2010 at 9:37 pm
Sorry to come on so strong, it really pisses me off when I see Steeler fans talking down to people just because they root for another team. Anyway, has the NFL posted who the Stillers will be playing next season? Besides obviously the three teams from the AFC North.
George H
January 17, 2010 at 10:17 pm
Jay definitely not trying talking down, actually im usually very mutual… and yeah the schedule is up as far as who we play home and away. Its on this site somewhere too.
Monster Jay
January 17, 2010 at 11:32 pm
To credit “thomas crowley”, at least he accepts his team’s loss…. As a dedicated Steelers fan, it really irks me when I hear some fellow Steelers fans make excuses. I immediately shut them down when discussing the game(s)… You can tell he has taken one on the chin with his team’s loss, BUT look at this way: THE RAVENS MADE THE PLAYOFFS AND THE STEELERS DIDNT….
(but tommy, you said something along the lines of the ravens did something ben couldnt, beat tom brady… yes, the ROOKIE ben beat Brady in his supreme prime…)
With our offseason personnel changes, it will be an interesting season next year… I love mike wallace and definitely believe he and ben will have great chemistry from here on out. Mendenhall is just fine and will continue to grow, Holmes, Ward, Miller, Reed’s Leg, etc…. we’ll be just fine… I need that oline to wake the heck up lol… (Troy get better) Go Steelers…
thomas crowley
January 18, 2010 at 1:27 am
My mistake monster jay he did i forgot about that.
thomas crowley
January 18, 2010 at 1:29 am
But we beat brady in the playoffs the steelers haven’t their 0 and 2 against brady in the playoffs. Anyway good luck in 2010.
Joe D
January 18, 2010 at 11:05 am
Brady also has something on his record that Big Ben doesn’t Thomas, and that is a Super Bowl loss. Granted he’s been to the big game twice as many times as Ben, with one more victory, but still, Ben’s got the perfect record in the big show.
thomas crowley
January 18, 2010 at 3:49 pm
Tom brady has won back to back superbowls. Both times ben won the steelers miss the playoffs the next year.
George H
January 18, 2010 at 5:14 pm
Ben also had his best year this season, and every Steelers fan knows Ben wasnt the problem this year.
George H
January 18, 2010 at 5:17 pm
After Ben’s first SB, he probably shouldnt of played that whole year. Near fatal accident and apendectomy is hard to get over. The plus side is that Ben finished strong both of the years after the SB. First time the steelers went 6-2 and the second time Ben got the Steelers to a 3 game win streak and in the position to makethe playoffs.
thomas crowley
January 18, 2010 at 6:07 pm
True i’m not knocking ben i think he’s a good qb. I just don’t think he’s better then tom brady.
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