I don’t really know how to feel about the game today between the Patriots and the Ravens, other than to think that if the Steelers would have made the playoffs and been Baltimore today, they would have beaten the Pats also.
New England is clearly on the decline, and I don’t think there’s any question about that. Tom Brady is not the same player after the injury, Junior Seau and the that defense is old and slow, and the issues with Randy Moss will linger into next season.
I already will go out on a limb and say based on the final few weeks of the regular season, I like the Jets to overtake New England to win the East in 2010. I know it’s awfully early to make predictions, but hey, the Jets are still playing, and the Pats are not, so that has to say something.
On to the Ravens. Sorry, maybe I am being stubborn, but I am still not convinced. The Colts are a way better team, and I think they will take care of the Ravens by at least 10 Saturday night at home. You cannot win in the playoffs with the inconsistent QB play like Joe Flacco had Sunday, and yes, I know they have a three headed monster at RB, but the Colts will be ready to hold that somewhat in check.
I’ll say this about the Ravens, they are a tough and determined group. Remember last year though they played a Titans team in the 2nd round that had Kerry Collins and couldn’t score. That won’t happen with Manning and co. in Indy Saturday. Yes Raven Fan, you live another week, but the clock to the end of your season is getting closer to midnight, and it’ll happen Saturday night in Indy.

January 11, 2010 at 10:44 am
Someone should make Mr. Arians watch a tape of this game, over and over and over. This is what a running game looks like. This is how a running game complements a defense and makes it more effective. This is how a running game controls time of possession. This is how a power running game converts red zone opportunities into real points, not just statistics — without QB heroics.
But teams that use the spread without a strong running attack get to sit home and watch the playoffs on TV. Get the message, Mr. Arians?
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 10:45 am
How do u know can u see into the future?
If u can recall we should of beaten the colts the last time. And how can u say they’ll beat us by 10 they haven’t been really blowing anybody out lately.
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 10:54 am
The ravens accomplished something yesterday the steelers can’t do we beat tom brady. Its obivous you’re hate is showing, its ok if u don’t think we win but to think we don’t have a shot. Thats ridicolous if the ravens play half as well we can beat anybody. The only thing about this post i do agree with is joe flacco does have to play better. I’m sorry the steelers are a bunch of chokers but really dude.
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 11:01 am
I know these aren’t the same pats but it was still was an impressive win to embarras them at foxborro.
January 11, 2010 at 12:15 pm
Easy Mr. Crowley. The Ravens deserve accolades for their thorough trouncing of the over-rated Patriots.Yes, it was impressive. I also think they have a very legitimate chance at beating another over-rated Colts team, who by the time they take the field would not have won a game in a month. Flacco must play well, but you cant expect the Ravens to ask Flacco to do so little and be successful next week too. I am a Steeler fan and I know my football but one thing I am not is a fair weather Steeler fan. I understand that you might be overly excited, that was a huge win. But to call the Steelers “chokers” is kind of crazy. Of course, The Ravens had the better season because they made the playoffs. But the Steelers have been a model of consistency and most organizations and their fans want what the Steelers have year in and year out. Good for the Ravens and their fans. You have had a very good year and have a chance at a championship. Cant that be good enough? Must you come here to take shots at us Steeler fans? I know its a rivalry and its a rivalry that is good for the NFL. Believe me, I can take the shots that are heading my way over a disappointing Steeler season. But again, I have many more reasons to be a lifelong Steeler fan than I have reasons to not be.They are now, and always will be a class organization. I am not going to take any cheap shots at you or your team. You both deserve a congrats. Lets see if the Ravens can do what the 2005 Steelers did.
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 1:03 pm
Mark thank u and i apologize i read this post and overreacted a little. Trust me though i am not over-excited i know it will be much tougher in indy next week. I believe flacco has to play better but not have a monster game just needs to do more.
January 11, 2010 at 2:38 pm
Thomas, your right. Flacco is going to need to make the passes that will move the chains and to throw the deep ball to keep the Colts from crowding the box. I expect him to do both and the Ravens to pound away at the front 7 or 8 all game long.Its going to be up to the Ravens secondary to keep Manning from scoring touchdowns. If the Ravens can trade TD’s for FG’s, they can win. I expect a close game and whoever forces the other to crack first or creates the BIG play late will win. Good luck dude. Also, I am a perfectly alright with a friendly back and forth argument over our 2 teams. I just get a bit protective, as you do, when it comes to insults. Talk to you later.
January 11, 2010 at 7:24 pm
As much as i hate the ravens and their jack-hole fans like Thomas “tough guy on a blog” crowley, I think they are going to beat the colts. the ravens are more physical with an experienced defense and a good running game. If flacco doesn’t do a Flacco and piss the game away, i think the Ravens will win rather comfortably.
as usual, go fuck yourself crowley
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 8:19 pm
Mike in the immortal words of rodney harrison pull your skirt up and move on.
January 11, 2010 at 9:27 pm
Thomas Crowley notwithstanding, I admire Baltimore for their new philosophy. I say new because under Billick they were rather classless dirty birds with a chip on their shoulder and not much to show or back it up (at least not in regards to competing with us)…But Harbaugh brings class, an aging Ray-Ray has humbled slightly and, although they are in desperate need of playmakers at the wideout position and, much like us, CORNERFUCKINGBACKS!!!, their savvy drafting and player developing has yielded a formidable offensive line that I kind of envy. I do hate, much like Dr. George, the (pussy) spread attack and LOVE the smashmouth so, even though I hate Baltimore, I admire their style and will be pulling for them against the Colts and their spread bullshit! Thomas, stop being an asshole and grow up; appreciate a rival fan giving your team, to the best that I can, GENUINE accolades—make like your CURRENT Ravens team and take the chip off your shoulder.
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 10:26 pm
Ok jay don’t talk about class when u made the (at least not in regards to competing with us) comment. Thats very hypocritical don’t u think and stupid. Under billick in 9 years we won 2 divison titles 5 playoff games and 4 playoff apperances and a superbowl. So obivously we were competive with u under billick. 1 other thing what the hell are u talking about the ravens being cocky under billick jay didn’t u have joey porter? now he was a cocky loudmouth piece of shit with the steelers.
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 10:46 pm
I’m going to be honest i don’t expect the ravens to win saturday night, i’m sure everybody will be shock when they read this. I just think its too hard to make a run like the ravens did last year 2 year in a row. Even if they lose i won’t be too dissapointed because the ravens have a bright future. Oh yeah fuck you mike.
thomas crowley
January 11, 2010 at 10:49 pm
Jay i wouldn’t have had a problem with your post if u just had left out. If it wasn’t for the (at least not in regards to competing with us) and the (pussy) spread offense comment.
George H
January 12, 2010 at 10:02 am
Keep it clean everyone. Theres noneed for explicits, all you have to do is make your point and back it up with facts. When you start swearing it definitely takes away your creditbility. Were all passionate fans, but thers smart fans and childish fans. Lets stay closer to the smart fans.
January 12, 2010 at 11:58 am
The pussy spread offense comment was in relation to the colts you moron, not you guys! Learn to read and, what I was doing was comparing the two organizations (balt with Billick versus balt w/o Billick) and deduced that we probably had the edge over you guys both on the field and with (or without) arrogant players. It’s not hypocritical to mention cummulatives in lieu of absolutes…cummulatively, you guys WERE more arrogant than us but that doesn’t mean we didn’t have our own arrogant players; just less of them…But I’m sure contrarians like yourself who are constantly looking for a fight will find something wrong with any post…again, grow up!
thomas crowley
January 12, 2010 at 4:04 pm
Jay i am grown up i’m 20 years old so just stop with that. U want to talk about arrogance talk about smiley face ward and james farrior the ravens were never nearley as arrogant as the steelers were.
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