Pro Football Talk talks about how the Steelers likely won’t do much to keep either running back Willie Parker and kicker Jeff Reed past this season:
Rumor has it that the Steelers won’t try hard to keep either running back Willie Parker or placekicker Jeff Reed, both impending free agents, after this season ends. Parker has proven ineffective and injury-prone, like he was for most of last season and has lost his starting job to Rashard Mendenhall. Reed has embarrassed the organization with a pair of run-ins with the law and he might simply be not worth the off the field headaches to keep around.
There’s no doubt that Parker in my opinion is as good as gone. He complained about the lack of running the team did last season, and would likely love a shot at a big payday to get to a club that runs more. As for Reed, he’d better shape up off the field, or the Steelers are going to have to start looking at options at kicker, as they won’t put up with his antics of getting arrested like he’s 21.

October 25, 2009 at 7:51 am
Reed is a character, thats for sure. But unless he starts missing chip shots regularly, he is as steady a kicker thats in this league. I dont think this position should be underestimated! Reed has made many BIG kicks for this team and won many games. He has done well at Heinz field while others have looked terrible kicking off that sod. I want to keep Reed around if he is still a clutch kicker. If he is missing kicks to go along with his erratic behavior, then yes, I believe he will be a goner.
October 25, 2009 at 4:46 pm
Let give both men their due. They helped bring two Super Bowls to town and will be remembered fondly. However, they will both be memories come 2010. Time is not in their favor.
Parker is already history. The failure to extend his contract makes that a near certainty. He didn’t even get into the Minn. game, even after Mendy fumbled. Moore finished the game instead.
Reed, like most kickers, is underpaid and accounts for more points that Mendenhall and Parker put together. He is consistent. However, he is over 30, has trouble kicking deep on kickoffs, and his whimpy whiff on his attempt to corral Harvin (on his way to a TD) in the Minn. was not his first. His future with the Steelers is as shaky as the ground under San Francisco. Kevin Colbert has Piotr Chezh’s name on his speed dial even now. My guess is a kicker with a longer leg and a tougher attitude is in the Steelers’ future. Reed is as good as gone, too.
October 26, 2009 at 10:14 am
After Reed’s pathetic attempt (if it was an attempt at all)to block a return run he ought to be let go. Even Sepulveda can bring down a return – why is Reed so afraid of making physical contact to bring a guy down? Afraid it might hurt??
October 28, 2009 at 11:43 am
Jeff Reed can take a hike! He doesn’t seem to really care about the Steelers, or even the game. The only thing Jeff Reed seems to care about is Jeff Reed. see ya later Reed! Good luck with retirement: the way you are playing, that shouldn’t be too far away. Who lost the game to Chicago? YOU STINK! Afraid you might break a nail? Hit someone, you lame!