As former Falcons QB Michael Vick looks forward to his release from prison, he finds himself with a pretty big fan – that being Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin. Speaking at the owners meetings in California, Tomlin said that he supports Vick, and that he would like to see Vick back on the playing field if he gets reinstated by the league.
Vick pleaded guilty to federal dogfighting and gambling charges, and has not played in the NFL since the 2006 season.
“Once the commissioner makes his decision on whether Michael Vick can come back, I think anybody who is interested in competing would be interested in him,” Tomlin said of Vick. “Whether or not I’m interested in him is another thing. I’ve got a quarterback. But I think, boy, we’re awful quick to judge.
“I thought the basis of our country was built on second chances and redemption. This guy pays his debt to society and he’s reinstated by [NFL] Commissioner [Roger] Goodell, he deserves an opportunity to right some of the things he has done wrong.”
It will be interesting to see where Vick ends up, as it is going to take some team a lot of guts to sign him. There will for sure be backlash from groups like PETA, but Tomlin says that people should remember that we all make mistakes and that those types of groups should do the same.
“I understand it’s going to be hard, but what I’m saying is that maybe it shouldn’t be. Those without sin cast the first stone, if you know what I mean?” Tomlin said. “The reality is that this young man went to prison and paid his debt to society and if the commissioner deems him worthy of a second chance, who are we to pass judgment?”
The Falcons had been trying to find a team willing to make a trade for Vick, but had not found any takers, meaning that if he does find himself able to play again someday, he’ll probably be released and then able to play for a team that would be willing to take a chance on him.

March 26, 2009 at 7:51 am
I am an animal lover. I have animals and always have had them. What Vick did was disgusting and vile and I have no respect for him at all. However, Vick has been to prison, paid his debt and has not played football for 2+ years, which is also punishment. I do believe in second chances and would understand a teams desire to give him a look. He was, I repeat, “was” a special talent. what he has left is a question that cannot be answered until he has a uniform on. If he was sincere about being forgiven he would donate salary to pet and animal causes and not be allowed to have pets again. I think we have given many other athletes 2nd and 3rd chances or more. Let Vick try to play ball,donate salary and time to good causes and lets see what happens. He has paid his law-given debt. I will close with if Vick had been given a life-sentence, I would NOT have lost a second’s sleep.
March 26, 2009 at 2:44 pm
Mike has paid his debt to society.
In fact, I would argue that his punishment dd not fit the crime. Why? Leonard Little KILLED a man while driving drunk and he was reinstated in the league after serving SIXTY days in jail. Six years later after his involuntary manslaughter conviction was wiped from his record, Little was again arrested for drunk driving.
My point is this – Mike serve 2 years in prison and lost MILLIONS of dollars. For you to say that he should play ball again if he DONATES salary is ludicrous to me.
At what point do we say, “your debt’s been paid”?
Dale Burton
March 26, 2009 at 9:31 pm
I was a war dog handler when i was a kid from 1968 to 1971. In combat units your life depends on your partner,which was my dog Mister! He never let me down nor did i fail him! It sickens me the to think about the way i know Vick and others treated those dogs! But what really bothers me is that Tomlin wants to sweep this under a rug claiming Vick was young! I have been a Steelers fan for over 40yrs and was happy with the organization until now! Vick spent his time in a federal hotel instead of general population where he belongs! Would you like to see how those dogs were housed after they tore each other apart at Vicks whim! I am not done with Tomlin yet and i am surprised at his lack of humanity towards helpless animals!Further more his job is the Steelers!
March 26, 2009 at 9:49 pm
I just went back and re-read the article. There was nothing written that implied that Tomlin wanted to sweep anything under the ru because Vick was Young. Tomlin said, “The reality is that this young man went to prison and paid his debt to society and if the commissioner deems him worthy of a second chance, who are we to pass judgment?”
I don’t know anything personally about the prison Vick was in but I just Googled Leavenworth and it is a FEDERAL prison. That is BIG BOY JAIL!
What more do you want?
July 28, 2009 at 2:24 pm
I feel that if he did his time in the big boy Jail then thats that. The real problem with Jail is nobody looks at it as a learning expirence they treat it like a death sentence once you have been thier you can’t come back. If more people thought like Tomln then maybe we would have repeat offenders, because thats what prison is ment to do punish and rehabilitate so people can learn from what they did and have a chance to change.
July 28, 2009 at 9:14 pm
Tomlin didnt say he wanted vick.And he did not make any excuses for him.but he is right.Vick was charged,then sentenced and served all his time.And now he has answered any and all of the nfl’s questions.He did horrible,vile things,and he deserved everything he got.But now he has the right to make a living and get back into,and become a productive member of society.
September 30, 2009 at 11:31 am
Boo Hoo. Poor Michael. He’s lost millions of dollars for the two years he didn’t play. NFL players make way too much money for what they actually do anyway. My heart breaks for him. Easy come easy go. I believe he should be allowed to play and I’m allowed to hope and pray he sucks up the feild. I’m starting to understand the whole dod fighting thing and see how it is some how romanticized. Like it’s some sort of tough guy unspoken coolness. Total losers if you ask me.
March 26, 2009 at 3:46 pm
And let’s not forget that Danny Heatley killed his teammate, but yet he wasn’t suspended and STILL plays Hockey. I’m glad that Tomlin is supporting him.
Dale Burton
March 26, 2009 at 10:48 pm
There is more than one article on this subject,not just here, yahoo sports,, trying to re read for the information. Hell a baby raper could be arrested in the act and someone would say heck he sure can run with that ball and for God’s sake don’t let them interrupt his cash flow!Welcome to the National Felon League,used to be known as the National Football League I think crime once again is whitewashed.