From: Pittsburgh Tribune Review
More than just mints on the pillows will be waiting for Hines Ward when he walks into his hotel room early next week. The Steelers wide receiver had the hyperbaric oxygen chamber he owns shipped from his house to the team’s hotel in Tampa yesterday in the hopes that it will aid in his recovery prior to Super Bowl XLIII. “They’ll have it in my hotel room when I get there Monday,” Ward said. “Like I said, I’m overtime for treatment.”
Ward has been getting treatment around the clock on the right knee he sprained in the AFC Championship game last Sunday. He has vowed that the injury won’t prevent him from playing against the Arizona Cardinals Feb 1. Ward said he has been icing his knee regularly and twice a day doing the rehabilitation regimen the Steelers put together for him. Ward regularly uses a hyperbaric chamber during the season to help his body recover from the hits he absorbs during games

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