In going back and checking my list of gamers from before the season, yes, I have been right on to date. I have them entering the bye at 3-2, with this Sunday night game vs the Jags being loss number two. In putting together my preview, this was my early take on this game:
10/5 at Jacksonville – The Jags are a team the Steelers simply don’t match up well with, as they have the black and golds number, and will again here on a Sunday night stage. J’Ville’s defense will harrass Big Ben and stop Willie Parker cold, and the defense will have its usual problems with Fred Taylor and Marice Jones-Drew: Jacksonville 17 Steelers 9 3-2
I can’t say that I have changed that opinion much in watching the Steelers first four games of the season. They are a number of reasons why I feel the Steelers are not going to be able to get past the Jags – and here are a few of them.
1. Injuries – Mike Tomlin refuses to accept injuries as a reason for defeat. I on the other hand am totally happy saying that the Steelers losing to the Jags likely will be due to injuries. I mean, the O-line is totally messed up right now, and I can’t see the Steelers putting up over 50 yards on the ground with the group they will throw out at RB.
2. Scoring Issues on Offense – It took them awhile to get going Monday night, but if you recall, the only offensive TD they had was the shakey pass from Ben to Holmes that came only becuase of that earlier stupid personal foul on the Ravens. That was it. Yes, they did have three field goals, but overall, they are not scoring much, and that is a concern here.
3. David Garrard – Last season the Jags QB played well in the regular season vs the Steelers, and did it with his legs in the playoffs. He seems to thrive on the Steelers, and while Byron Leftwich, former Jags QB now with the Steelers, may be able to help sharing some secrets on Garrard, he is starting to play better the last two weeks and will be tough to stop here.
4. Protection – This simply goes back to the number one reason, and that is the injuries. The O-line has not played well again after a decent opening day, and against the Jags, you can bet Ben will be on the run, and here’s hoping he can make it out of this one in one piece. He’s simply got to get rid of the ball faster. End of story.
So there you have it. I must have something with that 17-9 score, as even in my picks on NFL Gridiron Gab, I had the Steelers scoring 9, but there I had the Jags scoring 21. Ugh. Here’s hoping I am wrong, but with things the way they are right now, I can’t see it.

Russ Loede
October 3, 2008 at 10:34 am
Pittsburgh Steelers 22
Jacksonville Jaguars 19
Jeff Reed 48-yard Game Winning Field Goal
Josh Scobee misses 54-yarder as time expires in regulation!
October 3, 2008 at 6:55 pm
Jacksonville 28
Pittsburgh 3
Big Ben is NOT playing well at all. The O-Line is a trainwreck. The Steelers will probably only get 45 yards rushing for the entire game.
Pittsburgh usually has one big meltdown game per season – this is it for this season!
I hope I’m wrong but the way Pittsburgh is playing at the moment does not inspire much confidence.
October 3, 2008 at 7:35 pm
Sorry Russ, Scobee is money on long FG’s. Had you said he misses a 32 yard FG, maybe, but 54? No chance…
Will Shields
October 3, 2008 at 8:20 pm
if anything Scobee would hit the 54 yarder and crush the steelers hopes… but I don’t think it will come to that. I think the pressure harrases Ben all day and sacks him 7 times and hurries him even more.
iron city stale
October 3, 2008 at 8:49 pm
Jags win by 24, this steelers team is weak.
October 4, 2008 at 6:22 am
I will say that the Steelers are playing bad and that the Jags, do in fact own the Steelers. Now with all that being said, I do expect the Steelers to show up Sunday night. Losing is one thing but getting embarassed and blown out by a team that is also struggling with injuries is another. Win or lose, if the Steelers show nothing/no improvements, then I will be convinced that this season will be a looong one. Mike Tomlin must show that his team is prepared and will match the Jags down for down! Regardless of injuries, if the Steelers are embarassed, my Mike Tomlin doubts will officially start.
October 4, 2008 at 5:55 pm
My Mike Tomlin doubts started during the draft when the Steelers took a running back and basically ignored the O-Line. After the Philadelphia fiasco the doubts were confirmed. By ignoring the O-line and drafting a RUNNING back (of all things) Tomlin showed his lack of judgement and football common sense.
Big Ben is on pace to be sacked a franchise record 60 times this season. I am getting sick and tired of Tomlin’s wait-and-see attitude as far as the O-line is concerned.
But the bottom line is we are stuck with Tomlin for as long as he wants to coach the Steelers – The Rooney’s never fire their head coaches!
October 5, 2008 at 4:17 pm
Tim, it sad to say but you are probably right. I agree with your assessment of Tomlin. Ignoring our biggest need in the draft, the wait and see attitutde.etc. But how about the fact that the STEELERS look soft? Our Steelers for God’s sake. This team is geeting pushed around way too much. It just seems like we get bitch-slapped by teams that are physical. That used to be our calling card, right? Its a shame Tomlin does not have this team more physical. I mean a team that can send a message. Well, lets see what happens tonight. I would love it if Tomlin and the Steelers make me eat my words!! Ill admit it tomorrow in print if they avoid these charges tonight.
October 6, 2008 at 3:38 am
Seems most comments off target at least for last night
October 6, 2008 at 7:18 am
Tomlin and the whole Steelers team made me eat my words last night! They looked pretty good…and they BEAT Jacksonville no less.
Repeat after me…..