I’m what I consider an optimist, but WHAT’S UP WITH THE SCHEDULE. Every year it seems we play the toughest teams. The Jaguars, Chargers, Super Bowl Champs Giants, HA, still makes me laugh, Colts, Patriots. Granted they probably think Colts, Patriots, and Steelers are the only ones that can beat each other. They’re probably right. But give us a break on the rest of the schedule.
Is it the price of being good? I say yes. Well kind of, we’ll get to that later. Your not going to see the Bengals or the Browns play these teams. Wait, how bout the Fish? Well, then they would have been winless. Granted, we’ll make the playoffs, win the division, and the Super Bowl. Like I said always an optimist. But it would be nice to have a cake walk. Maybe a year where every game didn’t matter. Or where it wasn’t like we were in the playoffs in week 12. You know, they have to win every remaining game.
Colts won the Super Bowl in 2006. There next years schedule had Raiders, Kansas City. Falcons, ooh, and their own division 2 times, Titan and Texans. Lets see the new champions schedule. Cardinals, Rams, 49ers. Am I missing something? I think this has been going on since the Bill Cowher era. Before “The Jaw” we went 84 to 92 without winning a division. Only two times in the 80’s. One year was the strike year, but still the Steelers could only win 2 division titles in 8 years. There schedule was a little easier then. But only because the division was really bad. Outside there division was tough.
Know that I’m thinking of this, maybe there schedule has been this way since the 70’s. They have the greatest fan base. So maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with them being good every year (almost). Maybe it’s the just simple math, bigger fan base, more people watching. More people watch the Steelers, More band wagon fans watching whatever team has had a good couple years. Come on. You know no one liked the patriots when they got whipped by the Bears. Which in turn, makes more money, which is the whole reason they pair up certain teams in the first place. Whew!! Wow, that actually made sense.
So this what we came up with:
1: The Steelers have one of the toughest schedules year in, year out. This is for 2 reasons, they’re good ALMOST every year and more people watch them on TV because we bleed black and gold.
2: Other teams, even the Super bowl champs DO NOT have a schedule as hard as the Steelers. Because there fans, well, um, don‘t get quite as excited as we do. I think that was a politically correct way to put it.
3: Other teams are just a flash in the pan. Good fans for a year or 2 and that’s it.
4: And last, Where did they get those uniforms. Remember the peach Bucs (no one liked them in the 70’s and 80’s). Now I see jersey all over. The patriots helmet, nice.
5: Steelers win the Super bowl.
Oh, by the way ,the Team with the easiest strength of schedule: The Patriots

John H
July 2, 2008 at 12:25 pm
THEIR, not there!!!!! Anyone proof read this???????