Last night draft pick Le’Veon Bell had four carries, but went down with a foot injury, one that he is having a MRI on today to make sure there is no significant damage.
Twitter was abuzz about the injury when it went down, and already there’s a lot of talk about Bell being injury prone, as he’s suffered a knee and now a foot injury in two weeks of the preseason.
How does Bell feel about it?
He took to Twitter about 11pm last night to talk about it.
Special thanks to all the ppl behind me thru the ups and downs…& everyone who has somethin negative to say, keep it coming, I won't forget
— Le'Veon Bell (@LeVeonBell) August 20, 2013
I favorite all the negative tweets…I'll NEVER forget, that's for sure…I'll come back and be stronger than before
— Le'Veon Bell (@LeVeonBell) August 20, 2013
Don’t count Bell out yet – he seems determined, like the rest of the Steelers to get both healthy and better.

August 20, 2013 at 3:32 pm
Many Thanks Mr. Bell, we all are looking forward to you taking your place along side all great Steelers who has came before you. Hope you have a great year.
August 20, 2013 at 3:59 pm
What the hell does, “I favorite all the negative tweets…” Mean??? Bell, if you gonna take umbrage with shit, then at least be articulate!!!!! And you are injury prone by the way. Don’t worry though, you simply join a large list of pathetic second round picks…limas sewed, Jason Worilds (shoulda been Sean lee), Marcus Gilbert, et al.
August 20, 2013 at 4:56 pm
What he said was articulate, quit being a douche bag. Learn something about twitter before you act like you know everything. Hope Bell does well this season, Here we go Steelers!
August 20, 2013 at 6:21 pm
Wow what a waste of sperm you are. Judging a 20 year old young man in his 2nd preseason game? God bless you
August 20, 2013 at 8:58 pm
Wait you’re saying what a waste of sperm and God bless you in same breath…hypocrites and liars shall both ungodly meet in hell brah! and as for nic, sorry twitter is for losers so no offense but grow up and get off teeny bopping message boards…I’m on here to vent and piss people off…looks like it’s working.
August 20, 2013 at 9:00 pm
who takes you seriously besides your mom, Tom!?
August 20, 2013 at 9:04 pm
by the way, you’re the fans who suck! You’re the fans who say it’s okay and everything’s gonna be alright and it’s just fine to be mediocre whilst fans like me (and others) try and hold the players to a higher standard for simply not tolerating injuries, and asininity, et al. If you ain’t mad about the way things going for this organization since 2010, you haven’t been paying attention and you help bring the organization down quite frankly by your sycophantic tolerance of people who, even the ones at the lowest end, get paid ten times more than the rest of us! So, yeah, I expect nothing short of perfection because that way they might achieve greatness.
Brian Walsh
August 20, 2013 at 10:38 pm
In order for a player to be a high pick and have the drive and deal with all the pressure of being a superstar in latrobe is hard to deal with. He has been handed a starting job on a platter?? WTF? why? he had to earn nothing and this is a big reason he is begging to sit.. It relieves the pressure on him, he may need to be eased in. I dont think he is mentally ready for this starting job.. he needs to get in line..
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